I’ll resist the temptation to answer this question with a sentence that begins with “molest” and ends with “children”, and instead opt for, “wash Tony Bernazard’s car.”
I’ll resist the temptation to answer this question with a sentence that begins with “molest” and ends with “children”, and instead opt for, “wash Tony Bernazard’s car.”
Unrelated to the sexual preferences of Mr. Met, but GC are you finally selling your record collection?:
Oh, I think I know this one. It’s “Mrs. Gary Cohen,” right?
Andrew, you’ll have to pry the Jean Luc Ponty albums from my cold dead hands.
true story : I was once asked by the management of a Garden City, Long Island Pizza Hut to (thanks, Gary Marshall) leave and never return as the result of an incident involving a jukebox, a roll of quarters and Stacy Q’s “Two Of Hearts”.