Though Barry Bonds might possess tremendous upper body strength, unmatched bat speed and ridiculous hand/eye coordination, in a battle of wits with Bob Costas, he might be slightly overmatched. From the AP :
A day after Barry Bonds called him a “little midget man who knows (nothing) about baseball,” broadcaster Bob Costas said he wasn’t upset with the San Francisco Giants slugger and responded with a jab of his own.
“As anyone can plainly see, I’m 5-6½ and a strapping 150, and unlike some people, I came by all of it naturally,” Costas said Thursday in a telephone interview.
“I’ve actually always had a pretty cordial relationship with Barry,” Costas said. “I have no ill feelings toward him personally. I regard him as one of the greatest players of all time who got inauthentic boost and then became a superhuman player. I wish him no ill whatsoever.”
Costas said he understood why Bonds might have denigrated him.
“He’s under tremendous scrutiny and some pressure. It’s no big deal,” Costas said. “This is a consequence of doing your job, and I’ve never tried to do my job in any case with the intention of calling attention to myself. I think if people watch the program, they can judge for themselves.”
Note to the Sultan Of Surly : if you really wanna drag this out further, be sure to say something disparaging about Costas’ cameo in “The Scout”. Let’s see him get out of that one!
I think he might actually be more sensitive about appearing in “Baseketball”.
the title of this entry is an insult to the true Nature Boy, Mr. Ric Flair.
who I’m sure’s never touched a ‘roid in his life, uh huh.