Newsday’s Neil Best reported earlier today that Emmit Smith has been replaced by Chris Carter on the set for ESPN’s “Sunday NFL Countdown”, charitably describing the former Cowboys RB as an announcer who “struggled at times to speak English clearly”. With this historic announcement in mind, let’s (again) turn back to last November, when the Fort Worth Star-Telegram’s Gary West annointed Emmitt as “the media™s MPP —most painful person to watch/hear.”
As an ESPN football analyst, Smith is conspicuously inept. No, to call him inept insults inept people: He™s woefully incompetent. But here™s the important question: What does his presence say about the network that put him there?
As one of the analysts on NFL Countdown, Smith babbles, bumbles and stutters while generally insulting the language. He sometimes fumbles his facts and frequently seems unprepared. He can™t even get a cliché right.About Green Bay™s Donald Driver, Smith said: œTonight he™s looking to get back to paydirt so he can right size the ship right now.
About the Cowboys™ quarterback, Smith said: œTony Romo has the mentality to have the sense to make the play.
When asked to summarize his thoughts in two words, he once said, œCowboys lose big-time.
And about this season™s grand possibilities, Smith said, œIf you want to stay perfect, you can not go undefeated with a blemish on your record.