Depending on your point of view, the following item is either further evidence of LeBron James’ Grand Canyon-esque sense of self-worth…or the biggest animation news since the debut of “Bob’s Burgers”. On Monday, the New York Daily News’ Mitch Lawrence reports that James’ production company and something called the Believe Entertainment Group will produce new web cartoons based on Wise, Business, Kid and Athlete LeBron from the very popular series of Nike commercials.

The series, called “The LeBrons,” will revive the four characters all played by James at various stages of his life. The series is scheduled to debut in the spring.

The first season will consist of 10 episodes, with each running about five minutes, and will center on the world of Kid LeBron, the youngest of the four characters.

The series takes place in Akron, James’ hometown. James, a huge fan of cartoons, including Tom and Jerry and SpongeBob Squarepants, will provide the voice of the Business LeBron character. He has said in interviews that his goal is to deliver socially-conscious messages to young people in the series.

In the very unlikely event Wise is allowed to weigh in on such topics as The Decision, karma and empty seats at Heat home games, this need not be the least interesting cartoon of all time.