- RT @benschwartzy Just because Tiger Woods is single is no reason to stop making porn movies about his life. #
- Round Rock radio man Mike Capps claims Oklahoma City (PCL) “doesn’t have a bad hitter in the lineup”. Coulda swore I saw Alex Cora yesterday #
- Austin’s Lamb’s Tires is giving away a trip to Cleveland. To see Colt McCoy hold a clipboard. Seriously #
- RT @soapythedog: Got destroyed by Matt Stairs in my sexual fantasy baseball league. #
- funny NBA video the entire family can enjoy (unless Tony Dungy is a member of your family) http://bit.ly/cUg3ID #
- now that the Tiger/Elin divorce is final, the former can resume doing what he does best. Fucking everything in sight. #
- a return to Idiocy? http://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2010/08/red-sox-claim-johnny-damon.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter #
- Brett Myers’ return to Philly, an important occasion for someone besides N.O.W. http://bit.ly/buBu3M #
- Oliver Perez, no longer the most overpaid man in the world RE http://bit.ly/daldea #
- Sad byproduct of the Mariotti mess —-Ebert’s got Sports By Brooks in his browser history RE: http://bit.ly/926zjs #
- Showtime Scott Summers, resplendent after a nasty bit of audience participation @acwwrestling http://yfrog.com/mtsm9lj #
- How Holmgren / Lerner managed to piss off Jim Brown http://bit.ly/9SfTyE #