Having appeared in a high profile PSA supporting the passage of New York’s Marriage Equality Act, New York Rangers agitator Sean Avery describes himself as “embedded in the issue” (“you don’t have to be gay to know when something is fundamentally not right”), and suggests to the New York Post’s Larry Brooks that perhaps it’s time for the entire National Hockey League to address the matter.

“I understand that the NHL represents 30 different owners who come from different backgrounds and hold different viewpoints, but I think it would be meaningful for Gary [commissioner Bettman] and the Board of Governors to open themselves up for conversation about this issue,” Avery told The Post yesterday.

“The support I received from the Garden, Mr. [James] Dolan, Glen [Rangers general manager Sather] and [president of MSG Sports] Scott O’Neil meant everything to me, but it was a little disappointing not to have heard from anyone connected with the league,” Avery said.

The NHL has never had an openly gay or bisexual player. This might be 2011, but Avery doesn’t believe the environment in the industry would tolerate it.

“There would be so much to overcome, I don’t think it’s practically possible,” Avery said. “If I was gay or bisexual, it would probably be easier for me to come out than anybody else, because how much more could there be on me than there is already?

“I’m sure there are a number of players around the league who think I am gay or bi, and maybe more now since I got involved in this, and even though I’m not, I have no problem with that at all.”