Just another little something for A-Rod to covet : Avon is launching a series of men’s grooming products bearing Derek Jeter’s signature, including a fragrence called “Driven”.
The Street.com’s Marek Fuchs can’t help but notice the timing of Avon’s announcement.
Nevermind the idea of a guy who sweats in the Bronx trumpeting a perfume. The Business Press Maven has a rule: When splashy, if suspect, news is planted on the day of an anticipated earnings release, well, the earnings release itself isn’t likely to be great. Sure enough: Avon soon reported results generally below expectations, and CEO Andrea Jung was reduced in the press release to phrases like “early stages of turnaround” before transitioning into talk of a “transition year.”
I’m already using these : http://www.rfcosmetics.com/
Peter King of SI is going to bathe in vats of it.
…and Michael Kay will probably rub some on his penis.