Phoenix 9, Grand Canyon 4

Whether you’ve been in mourning for a full day or a few months, sometimes you’ve got to get back in the saddle (unless you’re Texas prospect Danny Touchet, in which case a winter vacation must look tempting)

Dave Magadan is the new Red Sox hitting coach, replacing Ron Jackson. During Mags’ tenure with the Mets, it was hoped that he’d pioneer the evolution of the first base position to one that exclusively featured singles hitters who ran the 40 yard dash in 20 seconds. Strangely, the trend never quite caught on.

You’ve probably read a few accounts too many of last night’s NLCS Game 7, but perhaps you should read one more, courtesy of Jeff Kallman.

Classy stuff
from the enemy camp. Strangely, I’m more comfortable with this sort of rhetoric, probably because there’s no other way I could imagine a climate in which rooting for Todd Jones was excuseable.

Gardy takes in which of the following :

a) the news he’s received a two-year contract extension

b) Kathy McGinty wants to have his retarded babies

c) “Hi, this is George Brett. Any messages?”