’s Carrie Muskat checks on the condition of Kerry Wood:

Wood is throwing off a mound twice in a four-day program, and progressing well. Dusty Baker said the last report he got on the right-hander was that he was “awesome.”

“I’m still going in the direction we want to go, so I can’t complain,” Wood said Tuesday.

What’s amazing is that Wood is bouncing around after undergoing arthroscopic surgery on his right knee to repair a tear in the medial meniscus. He missed one day in his throwing workout, and that was to have the surgery.

“His knee was a miracle of modern medicine,” Baker said. “Back in our day, they [put a cast on] it. Now you’re walking around two days later.”

Replies a skeptical Ben Schwartz,

Hey Dusty — maybe you could give him a long weekend? Considering what Wood and Prior have meant to the Cubs in recent years, I’m not sure if the word “miracle” really applies here. Like North Korean cloning science, I’d say the jury is still out. This is from the Cubs web site, btw, which is also raving about Wrigley’s state of the art bleacher renovation. The good news is that the bleachers will be ready. And the best news for bleacher bums — Prior and Wood will most likely be joining you. Like Kerry Wood, “not thinking about his shoulder,” nor Derrick Lee’s this week, this makes my day go easier, too.