Whether he picks and chooses when to leave his feet or rather, there’s just an overall lack of effort from Celtics C Mark Blount, coach Doc Rivers chose the time-honored “send a message” tact of benching Blount this past Friday night against the Bobcats.

Blount (above), for his part, would appreciate some clarity. From the Boston Herald’s Steve Bulpett.

œThere was no explanation, Blount said. œI didn™t know.

What he would like to know now is the team™s plan for his future. While Doc Rivers insists Blount can play an important role off the pine, the coach is committed for now to Kendrick Perkins as the starter. If Blount™s minutes dwindle, he may be checking his options.

œThen I™ve got to go call Mark (Bartelstein), my agent, and got to let him know what™s going on, he said. œYou know, we™ve got to sit down and talk.

œIf they want to go in a different direction, what can I do about that? I™m still here. I still can work. I’m still practicing.”

Asked about speaking with Blount, Rivers said, œNo, we™re not going to have any meetings. You earn your time on the floor, and that™s how we™ll do it. And when that happens he™ll play “ and he did; he played hard (yesterday), which is good. That™s a good start.

Following the practice, Blount engaged in an often circuitous discussion. On how he is doing, he said, œI™m here. I don™t know how to be scared. I don™t know how to hide. I™m here.

On whether Friday was disappointing for him, Blount replied, œNaw. Hey, whatever you want to know “ whatever you need to tell me “ I™m a real man. Call me or say what you™ve got to say. That™s it. You know what I mean? It is what it is.

Was it hard to sit like that?

œHey, you know, I™m here, and anything you™ve got to say just call me and let me know what™s up, he said. œI mean, that™s it. Talk to me.”

œYou tell me what™s going on. I would like to know, too. Nobody™s said nothing to me. . . . I don™t know. All I know is Mark Blount™s here and Mark Blount don™t know how to hide or be scared or whatever. So it is what it is, man.

When Rivers™ comments about his good effort yesterday were relayed to him, Blount shrugged.

œThey pay me to do my job, he said. œWhat do you want me to do? If I don™t play, what do you want me to do?

œI don™t know how to run from nobody. I™m from the old school “ an old school New York guy. So just keep hammering the nails in, baby.