Never mind Michael Lewis, if Billy Beane and Larry Bowa hook up, Neil Simon will be the one to chronicle the marriage. From the San Francisco Chronicle’s Susan Slusser.

There are now five names on the A’s list to interview for their manager’s job.

Larry Bowa and Jamie Quirk are also targets, according to a major-league source. They join a group that includes Oakland bench coach Bob Geren and third-base coach Ron Washington, and Rangers pitching coach Orel Hershiser.

“People always ask me, ‘Are there any teams that intrigue you?’ and I’ve told them all year, ‘The Oakland A’s intrigue me,’ ” said Bowa (above), who has not been contacted by Beane, but has heard numerous rumors that the A’s are interested in him. “If that’s the case (that he interviews), let’s face it, that’s a pretty good baseball team with great pitching.”

Bowa is famously feisty, while Beane is known for having a temper, which could make for a potentially volatile combination.

“Billy and I would have no problem at all,” Bowa said with a laugh. “I’ve known Billy for years and years, we’re friends. Is he intense? Yeah. Does he want to win? Yeah. What’s wrong with that? It would be great working together. Billy is honest — sometimes people just don’t want to hear honesty, but to me, that’s the most important thing.”