(above : the loneliest Rotters fan alive)

…and on the bright side, he probably won’t be providing any baseball analysis.   From the New York Daily News’ Bob Raissman :

Steve Phillips, fired late last October from ESPN over an embarrassing extramarital affair with a young staffer at the network, will go public with his story for the first time Monday during a “Today” show interview with Matt Lauer.

Sources said the Phillips interview is expected to air during the early portion of the show.

The “Today” interview comes at a time when Phillips will likely be looking to land another broadcast job in baseball.

Rather than seek a booth job (sorry) with one of MLB’s broadcast partners, I believe Phillips is better off pursuing an acting career, perhaps playing parts almost entirely based on his lothario-reputation. Maybe a Bristol, CT based take on that crummy Showtime series where David Duchovny can’t keep it in his pants.