Milwaukee P Yovani Gallardo was quoted earlier this week as saying he’d boycott the 2012 All-Star Game in Phoenix if selected, in protest over the state of Arizona’s imposition of SB 1070.  Today, as quoted by’s Adam McCalvy, Gallardo backtracked.  Sort of .

“They kind of got the words messed up,” Gallardo insisted. “Basically, I meant to say that if I had that opportunity to go to Arizona, it’s unfortunate that law is going on and I would stand behind the Latin community. I understand where they come from. I don’t agree with the law.”

But he would not necessarily boycott if he’s asked to be an All-Star again, “unless something outrageous happens, something terrible.”

“I understand the Players’ Association is trying to do something about it,” Gallardo said. “I need to stand behind them and see where it goes. … A lot of the Latin guys, we don’t agree with that law, and hopefully something can be done.”

It would seem from this perspective that something outrageous and terrible has already happened, but who am I to insist that Gallardo exercise the same social conscience as Anti-Flag? Nor should the burden of such a protest fall solely on the shoulders of Latin players.