Nice work. I’ll reiterate : the next time this schmuck questions the intellect of another town or school, he might want to display his own diploma from Fucktard Community College.
Nice work. I’ll reiterate : the next time this schmuck questions the intellect of another town or school, he might want to display his own diploma from Fucktard Community College.
How much longer is this character going to publicly talk out of his (I assume it’s a guy after the not-insulting insults he’s thrown at CSTB) ass? If a real name was actually attached, then I hope forever.
I’m kinda digging the notion he thinks I’m either a UT student or alumnus, or I’m somehow representative of ATX. Me and Marcus Fizer.
The promised fatwa from his likeminded (?) blogging colleagues, strangely failed to materialize. Much like a Bigfoot sighting, I was looking forward to that.
looses to k-state?
Exactly. If English isn’t his first or 2nd language, that’s no big deal. But the constant harping on graduation rates would carry more authority coming from someone who can string a sentence together.
At least Will Leitch has a book deal and a bunch of Cold Pizza appearances under his belt. I think that if you ignore this kid, there’s a pretty decent chance that he actually goes away. Or at least returns to “I have a blog you should totally read it lol” comment-troll anonymity. Not to say I don’t mind a good deployment of the word “fucktard” — and this is an appropriate use — but…well, yeah.
You’re never more attractive then when you’re the lone voice of reason.
Still, some of us had such high hopes for Alex Reimer. Has the next generation’s Lupica turned out to be a blogging J.T. The Brickface?
I’d really think this dude deserved a few minutes in the box with Bayless and Pembleton were it not for the abjectly brilliant non-sequitur at the end of this post.
Unless CSTB is actually just a front for the Zanu-PF – in which case, score one for this guy and his certificate from the Vanguard University Distance School of Detection and Blogological Insight.
Nice catch, Pete. Gerard, you have to admit he nailed you on the living with your mom bit.
Not quite, David. It’s not an attic. It’s a basement.
hey hey HEY! i live in a basement and, sadly, it’s not even the basement of a family member.
in light of the fact the real Alex Reimer is due to google himself any minute now (and the fact he probably bench presses 300 pounds these days), i would like to stress that I am certain he is not responsible for any of this nonsense. Other than a penchant for misguided self-promotion, there is little reason to compare the young Mr. Reimer with the moron in question. Thank you.