“I used to fantasize about how cool it would be to write about the exquisite relief of the Raptors finally winning an NBA championship,” mused Raptorblog’s Scott Carefoot in last Friday’s farewell post.  “I now recognize what a sad and unrealistic fantasy that was.”  Departing after a decade in order to take a full time position supervising The Hockey News and Decor At Home (presumably the latter is a busier beat these days), Carefoot (above) tells The Star’s Raju Mudhar, ” I really do feel nothing walking away from it.”

“I’m looking forward to being a sports fan again,” he said during a phone interview on Monday. “I started it as a way to break into sports media and in my own convoluted way I ended up doing that, so I’m not going to continue punishing myself by covering that team.”

Carefoot says he will still peek in on the team occasionally, as opposed to living and dying with it.

“I’m not saying I’m completely boycotting the Raptors, what I’ll do is pay attention to the score, and if it looks like it’s a close game in the fourth quarter, and I’m near at TV, I’ll turn it on, but I’m not going to invest all the time I’ve spent watching an entire game and writing about it any more. Because they don’t deserve it, and they don’t deserve it from fans any more.”