Boston’s Dustin Pedroia described Alex Rodriguez’ attempt at breaking up a double play in last night’s 8th inning as “a little cheap.” A-Rod, apparently hoping to send a slightly more butch message than the slappy one he sent to Bronson Arroyo, replied thusly to the Globe’s Nick Cafardo.

“It was an awkward slide,” A-Rod said. “We we’re fighting for every run. I’m playing as hard as I can. I kind of came up. I definitely didn’t roll or anything like that. It was definitely not intentional.”

He was asked if he took exception to Pedroia’s comments against him.

“No exception. None whatsoever,” A-Rod responds. “They have their opinions over there. I’m just glad it got us a run. I like Pedroia. I have a lot of respect for those guys over there.

“Every run for us is like huge. I’m just not going to go in like a little baby doll and try to hug him. I’m trying to play hard.”

A-Rod was told that Pedroia may change his throwing motion to avoid such a play.

“That’s a good idea,” A-Rod said. “I played shortstop for a long time and some guys really hit you hard. I barely touched him (Pedroia).”