The New York Daily News’ Adam Rubin does a little exit polling in the Mets clubhouse after yesterday’s 7-1 defeat of Washington.

Carlos Delgado’s opposition to U.S. military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan are well documented. But the first baseman took a tactful approach when Dick Cheney visited the Mets’ clubhouse yesterday, before the VP tossed out the ceremonial first pitch at the Nationals’ home opener.

Delgado conveniently got busy with pregame preparations as his teammates posed for a picture with Cheney.

“I was doing my routine,” Delgado said with a smile. “I happened to be somewhere else. Go figure.”

The Mets’ clubhouse recently had been a Republican stronghold, with Al Leiter an aspiring GOP politician and Mike Piazza last year referring to Rush Limbaugh as “American royalty.” It’s not exactly left-leaning now, but Cliff Floyd identified himself as a Democrat and Xavier Nady said he grew up in a Democratic household.

Willie Randolph reminisced about President George W. Bush’s emotional first pitch at Yankee Stadium before Game 3 of the 2001 World Series. The President fired a strike to backup catcher Todd Greene after warming up in the Yankees’ batting cage. He then shook hands with Rudy Giuliani during a poignant moment.

“I still think the President’s throw was the best I’ve seen,” said Randolph, then a Bombers coach. “He threw a strike right down the middle after 9/11. That was awesome. No one is going to be able to top that.”