If a person cannot be in two places at once, how is that Fox’s Chris Myers (above) was seen interviewing Mike Scioscia at the conclusion of the Angels’ dramatic 5-3 ALDS Game 5 victory over the Yankees, while he was simultaneously broadcasting the Eukanuba Tournament Of Champions on Animal Planet?

(K-Rod celebrates. The Angels have a flight to catch to Chicago…and Knotty the Bloodhound won Best In Show!)

Perhaps that’s because one of these men is not the real Chris Myers. I don’t know if Michael Bloomberg, Raymond Kelly or Agent Jack Bauer know about this yet, but hopefully they’ll have every television in the tri-state area disabled, just to be safe.

Hands up, everyone who thought El Barto would fail to record 4 outs tonight, yet Mike Mussina would end up taking the loss.

Princess A-Rod’s ALDS : 2 for 15, .133 BA, o HR’s, 0 RBI’s, 2 runs scored, 5 k’s. Clearly, this exceptional athlete and leader will have to force a trade out of the Bronx if he ever wants a ring. These guys are holding him back.