Despite the Sultan Of Sloth’s recently proclamation that he’d rather stay in Boston, the Red Sox would readily find room in their starting rotation for Roger Clemens. The Rocket, besieged by video come-ons, is still considering his options writes the Boston Globe’s Nick Carfardo.

Clemens said the Red Sox did a great job as salesmen, with Theo Epstein, Larry Lucchino, John Henry, Tom Werner, and others making the trip to Houston last month for a presentation at the Clemens Foundation headquarters to Roger and his wife Debbie.

”It was a great video,” said Clemens. ”It was very personable. They shot people around town. They went out to Framingham where I used to live. Deb got pretty teary-eyed about it. She loved being there in those years and we still have friends there, of course, and it was great to see the effort they put into it.

”Theo spoke to me afterward and he was explaining to me how things have changed and everything. I cut him off at one point and told him, ‘You don’t have to explain that to me. I know that.’

I’ve got to give the Red Sox a lot of credit. While a less creative franchise would’ve resorted to celebrity testimonials (or failing that, Denis Leary) Boston chose to highlight that most cosmopolitan of the western suburbs, Framingham, MA.