While Roger Clemens (!) and the Brian Burke each took the position the NFL’s overtime coin-flip is decidedly unfair, the MInneapolis Star-Tribune’s venerable Sid Hartman has a slightly different take on the Vikings essentially handing the NFC Championship to the Saints during the final minute of regulation yesterday. “If it weren’t for the turnovers,” argues Sid, “the Vikings might’ve won this game with ease.” Three of those turnovers, of course, committed by their quarterback.

It wasn’t Favre’s fault that the Vikings lost, although he was involved in a key interception that cost them a chance at a winning field-goal attempt at the end of regulation.

Three lost fumbles and an earlier Favre interception didn’t help the Vikings’ cause.

For Favre’s sake, it is unfortunate that with all of the great things he did both during the season and in the playoffs, the interception at the end of regulation will haunt him for some time.

Yes, Favre won’t attend the offseason workouts and won’t attend the minicamps, just like last season. But if the owners of the team want to win and maybe go further than they even did this year, they need to bring Favre back, even though he will turn 41 years old during the season.

They might also want to work on preseason drills for the players and coaching staff alike that include counting to eleven. While I don’t entirely agree with Hartman that Favre is blameless in defeat, what might’ve been his final (ill-advised) pass in the NFL never should’ve been thrown. Ryan Longwell, kicking indoors from 50 yards out wasn’t a sure thing, but Minnesota’s failure to give him a chance to win the game is totally on Brad Childress’ head.