Perhaps laying the groundwork for Ernie Grunfeld to void a crushingly onerous contract, NBA commissioner David Stern announced earlier today that Wizards G Gilbert Arenas has been suspended indefinitely, sans pay, following reports of a December 21 incident in which Agent Zero allegedly brought handguns into the Washington locker room.  It’s a historic edict on Stern’s part — perhaps the first time in Association history the Commish has lent veracity to a Peter Vecsey column.

NBA commissioner David Stern said in a statement that Arenas’ ongoing conduct “has led me to conclude that he is not currently fit to take the court in an NBA game. Accordingly, I am suspending Mr. Arenas (above)  indefinitely, without pay, effective immediately pending the completion of the investigation by the NBA.”

Stern said that he was iniitally inclined to wait before administering punishment, as the league has done in similar cases over the years in which there was a pending investigation by law enforcement, until the legal issues were resolved. But he changed his mind because of Arenas’ subsequent behavior.

I’m not sure what’s more shocking, the lack of due process from a the mostly fair-minded Stern, or that Arenas’ greatest offense wasn’t the brandishing of firearms, but rather, tweeting about the press coverage without requisite humility.