Despite back-to-back HR’s from Jim Thome and the struggling Paul Konerko, the Chicago White Sox are trailing Kansas City, 6-3 today in the last of the 5th at Kauffman Stadium.   Though Mark Buehrle’s had a rough afternoon (4.1 IP, 8 hits, 8 earned runs), it should only require a 2nd World Championship in 4 seasons for Ozzie Guillen to take his place amongst the pantheon portrayed above.

A few miles North’s of Ditka’s, your editor did his best to hang around for the duration of Ted Lilly’s gem against the punchless Pirates, but Rage Against The Machine guitarist Tom Morello — a self-described Billy Williams devotee —  being introduced to the Wrigley crowd during the 7th inning stretch was more than I could bear.  Let’s just say I boycotted the rest of the game on political musical grounds.

TV viewers had it even worse. Len Kaspar called Morello “one of the greatest guitarists of all time”.  I realize that not everyone can be Keith Levene, but if Kaspar wants to get into chops for the sake of chops, can we please allow this woman to visit the WGN booth before the end of September?