Reporter: Kobe, a college kid scored 138 points tonight and took over 100 shots …

Bryant: “Really? Wow. That’s impressive. That’s crazy. I don’t care what level you’re at. Scoring 138 points is pretty insane. How many 3s did he shoot? He must have been wearing the Mambas, man. Only Mambas have no conscious to shoot the ball like that.”

Reporter: If you did that, would people be celebrating you?

Bryant: “Would people be celebrating me if I scored 138 points? You know how it is, some people would, some people wouldn’t. They can all kiss my a– as I’m sure he feels the same way. If you score 138 points, you kind of have a license to tell people to f— off.” –  Dave McMenamin,

Consciousness, conscience, it’s all good. And full credit to Kobe for not saying, “who knew Paul Westhead Mike D’Antoni was coaching in Iowa?