In a post hauntingly familiar to the tale of Washington Capitals owner Ted Leonsis wooing Beltway bloggers with a full buffet, Erin of Beantown West describes in detail, the Dodgers’ efforts to show bloggers a good time last Friday night.

Apparently, the club’s PR department selected a handful of Dodger bloggers for a night in a luxury box, plus quality time spent in the company of Ned Colletti, Frank McCourt, Tommy Lasorda and Alyssa Milano.

Ned sat down and talked with us until right about the time of the first pitch, and I was ready to go with my notepad and pen until he said, “You mind if we make this off the record?” So, I dropped my pen and just listened. I guess I can’t technically tell you anything he said, but I will say that there was nothing particularly earth-shattering about the conversation. No big news that I’m just dying to tell you. But it was nice of him to take time out to come talk to a bunch of bloggers, especially considering someone must have told him that many of us aren’t too kind to him on our sites.

If this doesn’t seem like an intense journalistic exercise, rest assured that Erin did take up the Chavez Ravine parking situation with McCourt, along with providing a nice snapshot of a caesar salad.