Maybe someday the Chicago White Sox will hire a manager who says what’s really on his mind. Until then, they’ll just have to settle for the button-down, corporate approach of Ozzie Guillen, who took exception to his club’s 3-2, 11 inning loss to Toronto yesterday. From the Chicago Sun-Times’ Jow Cowley.
”I think it was a horse[bleep] game,” Guillen said. ”I think when a team can get 14 hits and score two runs, that means we’re not executing. If we think we’re going to play like this, and they think they’re going to be a contender and in the pennant race, well, they’d better look at themselves in the mirror.
”We’re not playing baseball. We just hit. To win a pennant race and to be where we’re supposed to be, you have to do everything you can possible to help this team. And if they’re not willing to do it, there’s going to be a lot of [bleepin’] changes in the [bleepin’] lineup pretty soon. Everyone thinks it’s a good game. Bull[bleep]. You can say we battled. Yeah, we did. But we shouldn’t be in that situation to battle.”
And for those players who didn’t agree with Guillen?
”If they don’t like what I say, [bleep] them,” he said. ”They can pack their [stuff] and do whatever they want to do. But we’re better than this. Way better than this. If you want to be third place, second place or fourth place, keep playing like that. If you want to win this thing, we have to be better.”