Doug Christie might’ve quit on the Magic, but at least he can take a joke. Or accept a check from someone who ridicules him. From the Dallas Morning News’ Chuck Carlton :

œBeing a free agent, looking at the options, I said I can vastly help that situation in Dallas, and it would be fantastic to get there, Christie said. œThen the call came, and I™ve been giddy ever since.

Johnson and president of basketball operations Donnie Nelson visited Christie in Seattle, sealing the deal.

Christie wasn™t even upset about his portrayal in Dallas during a 2004 playoff series. The Mavericks mocked several Kings in a pregame video that included an animated Christie being led around on a leash by his allegedly domineering wife, Jackie. The NBA fined the Mavericks $25,000.

œLife is bigger than that, Christie said. œWith all the problems in the world today, nothing is wrong with comedy.

Jackie Christie described the video as œhilarious. It is just part of the rivalry between Sacramento and Dallas.

The Christies (above) have a unique series of hand signals they exchange during games and have been filming scenes for a possible TV reality series.

œThat™s my queen, Christie said. œAnd when you have one, you™re going to treat her the best you can. I think a lot of things have gotten blown out of proportion. My wife loves me. She™s my No. 1 fan. She doesn™t come to every game on the road but darn near every one just to support us and make sure everything is running smooth for me.

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram’s Dwain Price reports that Mavs owner Mark Cuban is still working out the details of Shawn Bradley’s retirement package. Cuban usually knows best, but I’d like to suggest he throw in the Rebel’s new CD, ‘Kit’, along with some prophylactics.

Former Celtics/Sonics defensive mainstay Dennis Johnson (above) has been named head coach of Austin’s new NBDL franchise, the unfortunately dubbed Toros. CSTB’s suggestion that the club be named The Stegalls fell on deaf ears (appropriately enough considering the inspiration).