(Oakland’s Randy Moss. A rumored/fantasized trade to New England would mean fewer cocktails with Carl Steward)

Though the SF Chronicle’s Scott Ostler already nailed it days ago when he called today’s Raiders/Niners game “The Doofus Bowl”, his Northern California colleagues would be remiss if they didn’t pile on Sunday morning.

The road to irrelevance goes through Candlestick Point today. If the Raiders somehow beat the 49ers, their chances for the first 0-16 season in NFL history will vanish, along with most hope that the 49ers can make substantive progress this year. At that point, we might as well dial up L.A. and commiserate. The NFL doesn’t live there anymore. Here, it would enter witness protection.Gwen Knapp, San Francisco Chronicle

Congratulations Raiders. Entering the Fungus Bowl, your team is the losingest loser. And not just because the 49ers already have one victory this season. Not just because Randy Moss is redefining the term “jackass” on a weekly basis.

There are two kinds of losers in the NFL: losers with some direction and hope for getting better. And losers without a clue.

The Raiders fall into the latter category. And you can thank Al Davis for that. – Ann Killion, San Jose Mercury News.

So eager are the respective nations for a rematch that … tickets were still available earlier this week. It’s not like they can be tired of the series, because these teams have played only 10 times in 35 years.David White, SF Chronicle

With one victory between the two teams, it’s hard to call today’s meeting the “Battle of the Bay” and keep a straight face. Sure, the bay’s still there. The “battle,” however, is more like a skirmish. Or a tussle. Or a tiff.Matthew Barrow, Sacramento Bee
Yeah, Randy Moss and me, we suck back a cool fruit juice and see the world as it really is: Two of the worst teams in the NFL are meeting at 1 p.m. in the worst professional stadium in America, and we’re supposed to feign excitement just because it’s a meeting of the local 11s? C’mon, dude, that smells fishy.

It’s billed as a Battle of the Bay, but it stacks up more accurately as a brutal Bay of Pigsscrum. Somebody has to win, but does it matter? OK, bragging rights. Who would dare boast about winning this matchup of misfits?Carl Steward, Oakland Tribune