(David Wright, amazed at how easy it is to meet guys when he doesn’t bother to change after work)

A number of noted blog-meisters are polled over at Baseball Analysts, each asked to identify the sources of their chosen teams’ downfalls in 2005. CSTB, having no allegiance to speak of (as of 4:20 pm yesterday when Gerald Williams made his contribution to this year’s Lead Glove Boner Reel), was not invited to participate. Though if anyone had bothered to inquire, I’d have said something about murdering Braden Looper.

Thankfully, Ricardo Gonzalez of Metsgeek took part.

How do you hope (your team’s GM) attacks problems in the winter?

Well, considering that Paul Konerko is the best first baseman available in free agency, that’s hard to say. I suppose that I would like to see Omar explore the trade market and see what’s out there. As for second base, unless a better option presents itself, I think Kaz Matsui should be given another chance. If he fails, Anderson Hernandez and Jeff Keppinger are just a phone call away.

Who would you label and team MVP and LVP?

MVP: For a team that is fighting to reach .500, the Mets sure seem to have a lot of candidates for most valuable player, but because of his consistency and talent, no one deserves it more than David Wright. At the young age of 22, he’s already one of the 10 best players in the NL and the scary part is that he’s going to get better.

LVP: A lot of Mets have really drawn my ire this year, but none of them have irritated me as much as Miguel Cairo and his .258 OBP when batting second.