From 1964 to 1984, the New York Mets were not Shea Stadium’s sole tennant.  Along with groundsharing with the Yankees in ’74 and ’75, Shea played host to the New York Jets for two decades, during which time the likes of Joe Namath, Emerson Boozer and Wahoo McDaniel were arguably every bit as beloved as uh, Jim Fregosi.  With that tenure in mind, Wilpon Inc sent out the following press release Thursday.

In yet another nod to the past, the Mets will honor the Jets on April 28 with a pregame salute to the team that once spent 20 seasons playing at Shea Stadium. Former Pro Bowlers Joe Klecko, Wesley Walker, Greg Buttle, Randy Beverly and John Schmitt will return to their old home for the final time in Shea Stadium’s history. The Jets Flight Crew cheerleaders will be on hand, along with the team’s traveling, interactive JetsFest.Jets season ticket holders will have an opportunity to meet and greet the former Jets stars in attendance at a pregame event at Shea Stadium’s picnic area.

That the Mets would choose to recognize the former players is pretty cool (did Mark Gastineau demand an appearance fee?), and I say that as someone who’d like to see the Jets go 0-16 every season. But there’s something a little weird about allowing the current Jets organization to set up shop at Shea. What would they say in Anaheim if Arte Moreno’s marketing department held a night for Jack Youngblood, but the St. Louis Rams set up an “interactive fan-fest”?

For the sake of public decency, the Mets might want to spring for extra security surrounding the Gate D ramps on Monday evening.