From the AP  :

-A city councilor wants to take down the famed Citgo sign in Kenmore Square in response to controversial remarks by Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, who called President Bush “the devil.”

The Citgo sign has been a Boston landmark for decades, in part because it is so prominently visible over the left-field wall at Fenway Park.

But after Chavez called President Bush “the devil” during a speech Wednesday at the United Nations, Councilor Jerry McDermott said the sign has to go. Citgo is subsidiary of Venezuela’s state oil company. McDermott wants replace the sign with an American flag.

“Given the hatred of the United States displayed by dictator Hugo Chavez, it would be more fitting to see an American flag when you drive through Kenmore Square,” McDermott told The Boston Herald. “I think people would soon forget the Citgo sign.”

I don’t see what the big deal is. First of all, it’s not as though cutting a promo on W. wasn’t the sort of thing countless other world leaders have considered.  And McDermott cannot  really expect anyone to believe that Kenmore Square is part of America.