Steve, from The Eddie Kranepool Society, as quoted today in a roundtable discussion found at If you were in charge, what moves would you make to improve this club?

Steve: I™d move Wright up to the 3 hole in line up. I™d move Piazza to the 7th spot for about 2 weeks and then if there is no improvement with his offense I™d sit him down and let Castro play everyday. If Mike can™t hit he™s a liability to the team. Then I would set a rotation in the bullpen as relievers like to know their roles. If either Koo or Ring can™t step up and be effective in getting lefties get rid of both of them and just go with an all righty pen. Leave Looper as the closer and have Hernandez be the 7th inning guy with Bell as the set up man. Heilman would be the guy to spell either Hernandez or Bell so they don™t get overworked. Use Aybar and DeJean when all is lost. I™d tell Kaz Matsui that he is now the Sunday second baseman. I would then put a 10 year contract under David Wright nose and beg him to sign it.