What happens when you call the Philadelphia Daily News’ Les Bowen (above, left) a quote-stealing old hack “who hasn’t broken a story in years”?  If you’re Twitter-provocateur Jeff  McLane of the Philadelphia Inquirer, you might get your head handed to you (by AN OLD MAN).  From Fox Sports :

The two men were involved in a Twitter spat Tuesday ; Bowen, who vowed on Twitter to handle his “business in person” landed a punch to McLane’s head Wednesday afternoon before the feuding beat writers were quickly broken up, according to WCAU TV’s Howard Eskin.

Tempers flared after McLane posted a tweet Tuesday regarding the status of Eagles quarterback Michael Vick, in which he wrote Vick would likely start Sunday despite a bone bruise in his non-throwing hand.

“I don’t intend to have any tantrums on Twitter, myself,” Bowen replied to one follower. “If I have something to say to someone, it will be face to face.”