In the words of Aaliyah, age ain’t nuthin’ but a number, and the only numbers to think about regarding P Orlando Hernadez are two-years, $6 million dollars. Well, those and however many days a 50 year old man needs on the DL to recouperate from a torn calf muscle.

Detroit’s Justin Verlander and the Marlins’ Hanley Ramirez were named the AL and NL Rookies Of The Year yesterday. Just think how much money the latter will make in 3 years’ time when the Fish trade him back to Boston?

The New York Daily News reported yesterday that Steve Traschel’s wife Sarah has filed for divorce. Let this be a lesson to all the male readers — some women would prefer you not take so long.

Also from the Daily News, Bill Gallo is amongst those disappointed the Mets’ new home will be named CitiField (link taken from Repoz and Baseball Think Factory).

What is wrong with Shea Stadium, a name we have known since the baby Mets were born.

When I heard that they had settled on this new name (I gag when I write it), I said, shame! Shame on you people who have disparaged the name of Shea!

It’s not right that this current Mets team, on its way to becoming a championship team, will have the Shea banner taken away.

I will bet you that Casey Stengel, Gil Hodges and Bill Shea are all spinning in their graves.

So, all right, you companies who insist on paying your way into baseball by putting your names on ballfields, call it what you want – but it’ll always be Shea Stadium to me.

Yeah, except for one small thing. It won’t be Shea Stadium. The house that Bill Shea (sorta) built has a date with the wrecking ball, and believe it or not, they’re building an entirely new venue adjacent..

Still, I admire the sentiment, and do hope that at the very least, the Wilpons see fit to name a urinal or two after Fran Healey.