The WWE’s release of a Bret Hart triple DVD might be another opportunity to reflect on the Hitman’s role in the Monday Night Wars, along with his dramatic defection from the then-WWF and the prior “just ring the damn bell” screw-job defeat to Shawn Michaels in Montreal, perhaps the most controversial single incident in the sport’s recent history.

Certainly, all of the above have been reported on and debated to death over the years, but generally not in mainstream places like the New York Daily News. At the very least, even if you’re presuming the readers are well versed in the details surrounding Hart’s volatile relationship with Vince McMahon, a natural question for the former might be “what are your thoughts surrounding the WWE’s new drug testing policy?”.

The Slammer (above), however, isn’t just your average reporter.

This great stocking stuffer (don’t forget to get one for yourself) gives young and old alike the chance to remember Bret as he was, is and will be!