When Chan Gailey was introduced as the Herminator’s new offensive coordinator in K.C. a few days ago, Jason Whitlock (above) derided the hiring, calling Gailey “just another 50-something football millionaire with a spotty resume”, one who “never in more than 30 years of coaching been labeled an innovator.”

Remarkably, Big Sexy has backtracked, and not without sending a not-so-subtle message to his undoubtedly vast female readership.

I regret what I wrote about Chan Gailey a couple of days ago.

At one point I wrote that Gailey had never been labeled an œinnovator. I was wrong. He was the offensive coordinator at Pittsburgh when the Steelers introduced the Kordell œSlash Stewart offense.

That was pretty innovative. Gailey took a mediocre quarterback and turned him into a weapon. Stewart would play a little receiver. He™d run quarterback draws. He might line up in the slot and get the ball on a reverse or throw a receiver pass. The Steelers found ways to move the chains with Stewart under center, split in the slot or out wide.

œYou never take all of the credit for something, Gailey said when asked about Pittsburgh™s œSlash offense. œOur entire staff came up with it, but I happened to be the coordinator at the time. We just tried to take a good player and let him do what he could do.

When Gailey was announced as Kansas City™s new offensive coordinator, I simply forgot about Kordell Stewart and the fact that Gailey was there at that time. Friday morning I flipped on the radio, heard Gailey™s Pittsburgh tenure/Kordell Stewart innovation being discussed and was embarrassed.

It was the final piece of evidence that I hadn™t been fair to Gailey. I judged him too harshly simply because he™s a retread, mid-50s, wealthy and ran a relatively conservative offense with never-developed Reggie Ball at Georgia Tech. I stereotyped, which is something I try to avoid because it happens to me too often. Women see my good looks and sexy frame, read my columns and just assume I don™t have a brain. It™s very frustrating. Just once, I™d give anything for a woman to take the time to get to know me rather than rush me into an intimate relationship.