While I think the below item is barely of greater interest compared to a daily update on whether or not Hank Steinbrenner is pleased with his 2-1 Yankees’ start to the 2008 campaign, Brian Costello of the New York Post deserves considerable credit for the headline, “JOBA GOES BLAND OVER FIST”.  Or at least his editor does.

As Alex Rios’ fly ball settled in Bobby Abreu’s glove to end the eighth inning last night, there were no fist pumps, no twirls, no screams. Yankees star Joba Chamberlain simply took his glove off and walked off the field with his head down.

Don’t worry, though, the lack of emotion was not due to criticism from certain radio hosts in town. The 22-year-old picked up the victory against Toronto in the 3-2 Yankees win last night, facing four batters in the eighth. Afterward he vowed to keep celebrating any way he chooses.

“It’s unfair to my team to not bring 110 percent every time I go out,” Chamberlain said. “It’s going to be a topic of conversation, that’s fine because I am Joba Chamberlain. I am going to be who I am and if I didn’t show that, I’m not being fair to my teammates. I’m letting them down because I’m not being the person that I am.

“That’s who I am. That’s how I got here. I’m not going to change for anybody. I don’t care what they say or what goes along with it.”

On Tuesday, Chamberlain struck Frank Thomas out in the eighth inning of the Bombers’ 3-2 victory. After the strikeout, which ended the inning, he spun around on the mound and pumped his fist.

“It gives you guys something to talk about,” Chamberlain said. “It’s no disrespect to anybody. It’s no disrespect to the game. It’s no disrespect to Frank Thomas for what he’s done in this game. He’s been very, very special to this game. He understands we’re all competitors and as a competitor you give everything you’ve got every time you go out.”