Page’s Six Richard Johnson claims WCBS motormouth John Sterling has a rather revolting personal habit that sickens his colleagues. But enough about his calling Alex Rodriquez’ home runs “an A-Bomb from A-Rod”, it seems Sterling was, shall we say, born in barn as well (link taken from Repoz and Baseball Think Factory).

“John Sterling has made a habit of walking over to the dessert table and dipping his finger into the ice cream barrel,” one Yankee Stadium worker told us, adding that the play-by-play vet has also used the same tablespoon to repeatedly take samples. During the Boston series, “He wandered over to the cake and pie section, broke off a piece of a cake slice, ate it and wiped his grimy hands on the linen tablecloth, leaving the remainder of the slice for someone else to eat – which indeed happened,” our spy continued. A rep for WCBS Radio declined to comment, and a team spokesman said the Yankees “know nothing about it.”

Though I suspect whoever fed Johnson this shocking tidbit is a slightly overzealous “Curb Your Enthusiasm” fan, as long as Derek Jeter doesn’t complain about the announcer’s snoring, I suspect Sterling’s job is safe.