On the same night the Mets — losers of 6 of their last 7 — allowed 9 or more runs for the 4 time in a week, the bane of Al Leiter’s boombox had his finest game as a big leaguer. Tampa Bay’s Scott Kazmir struck out 10 in a 120 pitch, complete game, 2-hit shutout, as the Devil Rays beat the Red Sox, 3-0. Kazmir has 3 wins against Boston in less than half a year — the Devil Rays have it soooo easy in that division. Former Met Ty Wigginton had a pair of homers off Josh Beckett, who’s now allowed 23 in less than half a season.

The Twins’ 10 game winning streak was in jeopardy earlier, but they’ve erased a 5-2 K.C. lead and are looking for more against walking kerosene supply Ambroix Burgos. Joe Mauer and Justin Morneau (above) have homered, while Johan Sanatana wasn’t his usual dominanting self, alllowing 5 runs and 6 hits over 5 and 2/3rds innings.

ESPN has been interrupting the nightly Krukfest with glimpses of Jose Canseco’s at bats this evening for the Golden League’s San Diego Surf Dogs. If Jose ends up pitching in relief, hopefully the late edition of “Baseball Tonight” will have the footage.

Your glamour pitching duel for the night : King Felix vs. Wevie Stonder II. Orlando Cabrera’s streak of having reached base in 60 consecutive games is at risk, as is the deep, developing bond between Carl Everett and Shin-Soo Choo.

Congratulations to Roger Clemens on getting his first win of the season before Jeremy Sowers recorded his. Just barely.