(CSTB marketing director Guinness, firmly of the opinion the story below oughta be focused on something else).

From Newsday (link courtesy Popjocks) :

New York Knicks center Kelvin Cato wants custody of his 6-year-old son, who was found living in a urine-soaked apartment with more than 30 cats last year.

Cato’s lawyers in Oregon said their client learned of the child’s plight only after they told him about news accounts of the criminal case against the boy’s mother, Jennifer Gaines.

The police officer who investigated the apartment on a tip last June wrote in his report that the smell of cat urine burned his eyes and throat.

“It was unsafe for the children to spend another minute inside of the residence,” the officer wrote. “The odor was so overwhelming that I almost vomited.”

I trust you all find this story as shocking as I do. Who knew Kelvin Cato was on the Knicks?