Unless and until Darren Daulton coughs up $500 for the Lydon LaRouche write-in campaign, the following lame blog entry by the LA Times’ Andrew Malcom will have to suffice on the matter of famous sportsmen’s political donations.

Not sure how we missed him the other day in another one of Dan Morain’s comprehensive campaign finance roundups. After all, the guy is about two feet taller than our garage door.

But LeBron Raymone James, the 6-8 “small” forward for the Cleveland Cavaliers, has endorsed Barack Obama for president.

If by endorsing, you mean donating $20G’s to a committee devoted to electing the freshman Illinois Democratic senator as president on Nov. 4.

James, an Akron native, was the No. 1 NBA draft choice in 2003 out of St. Vincent-St. Mary High School. He got $90 million for a shoe-endorsing contract with Nike before playing one minute in the NBA. So he sure must have pretty feet.

Presumably James can afford the political donation. Maybe he’ll also throw in a pair of running shoes for Obama to finish the race.

Exactly what amount would constitute a serious contribution? Presuming the Times’ readers aren’t nearly so cynical, Malcom could have compared James’ initiative with Michael Jordan’s refusal to support Harvey Gantt’s unsuccessful senate bid against Jesse Helms.  I’m pretty sure Republicans still buy sneakers.