Smoking gun or just business as usual in most locker rooms around the country? I’ll guess the latter, but it’s possible administrators at Texas Tech might claim otherwise after a pair of profanity-laced postgame speeches by recently deposed head coach Mike Leach were obtained by’s Chip Brown via the Texas Open Records Act.

After a 20-13 victory over Baylor on Nov. 28, 2009, Leach is seen for several minutes using expletives to criticize his players for thinking they’re “too good” to play Baylor and for an up-and-down season, including a “close” loss to Texas.

“There’s a couple of you guys that your current living situation is going to change,” Leach says. “We’ve got several of you, particularly on offense, all you do is pull mediocrity out of one another. Well, you’re going to live somewhere else. Last time I checked, we’re paying the (expletive) bills.”

After a 42-21 victory over Kansas on Oct. 31, 2009, Leach directs some of his players, whom he calls “God squad guys,” about how to pray.

“What does God say? ‘If you’re lukewarm, I’ll spew you out,'” Leach says. “? If you’re a defensive player, I don’t need one side of the brain on playing defense and one side thinking, ‘Oh gee, I wonder, this. I wonder that. I wonder the other thing.’ No, no. Screw that.

“Your whole head’s got to be on defense. Your whole head has to be on offense. Your whole head for that play has to be on special teams. If you’re not doing that, you guys who are throwing the book around all the time, you’re defying the book.”