Rather than discuss anything specific to last night’s thorough embarrassment of the New York Knicks at the hands of the defending champs, let us instead focus on the inevitable fallout from Detroit coach Larry Brown calling the Knicks post his “dream job”. From the New York Daily News’ John Dellapina :

Larry Brown might very well succeed in talking his way out of Detroit. But it could cost his dream team dearly: That team being the Knicks, of course.

Rather than politely decline to discuss the speculation for any number of valid reasons – not the least of which being that he still has 3-1/2 years to run on a $6-million-per contract to coach the Pistons and that the Knicks currently have a coach – Brown continues to fuel it by reiterating his life-long desire to coach the Garden’s team.

According to a league source, such public pining has the Pistons’ front office livid and many of the team’s players ticked. As any member of the ’94 Rangers can attest, it can be disturbing having a head coach either negotiating with another organization or discussing the merits of one while you’re trying to win a title or defend one.

But while Detroit owner Bill Davidson and GM Joe Dumars might be inclined to say “good riddance” to Brown, they’ll want the Knicks to pay a heavy price.

And not in dollars, which the wealthy Davidson does not need. According to the source, the Pistons would demand stiff compensation in the form of current players and draft picks.

Of course, there might be a way for native New Yorker Brown to make a clean getaway that doesn’t damage his new franchise. That would be to resign as Pistons coach, claiming health reasons, and then declare himself reenergized in time to take over the Knicks next season.