From the Austin American-Statesman’s Suzanne Haliburton :
Freshman safety James Henry (above) has been suspended indefinitely from the University of Texas football team.
Texas coach Mack Brown issued a statement Tuesday morning, which said he wished that he™d been informed by police of Henry™s alleged involvement back when the incident happened in July.
œIt™s unfortunate that we have just been informed of the situation or we would have been able to address it when it allegedly occurred in July, Brown said. œWe™ve talked with James and his family and have decided to suspend him indefinitely. He will not be involved in any team functions at this time, pending the completion of the legal process.
The “incident” in question was a July B&E that also involved Longhorns Andre Jones and Robert Joseph. For those fond of keeping a tally, Henry’s arrest on Monday was the 6th time since June one of Brown’s players has been arrested.
Of course, UT still has about 112 players on the roster who’ve not been pinched recently. Either the season’s young, the police aren’t so smart or as Brown would have you believe, these are indeed, “the actions of a few”. 6 seems more like “several”, but as long as we’re talking about minor mishaps (like armed robbery), there’s no great cause for alarm. When the number of players facing charges hits triple figures, at that point, it might be fair to question whether or not Texas’ head football coach should continue to be paid more money than God (though less money than Pete Carroll)
from the statesman
“Police say that Joseph called Henry the next day from jail, and their conversation was recorded. In that call, police say, Henry told Joseph that he’d gone to the scene of the robbery and confronted witnesses. “I went over there and whooped all them niggas last night, fool,” Henry is quoted as saying in the recording, according to the arrest affidavit.”