(in image taken from Kaplan’s Korner, Howard Megdal is shown conducting an earlier self-promotional campaign, his use of an MLB-licensed foam finger probably unauthorized)

The Mets are calling the latest revelations excerpted from Howard Megdal’s ‘Wilpon’s Folly’, “the author’s desperate self-promotional campaign for relevance.” Hey, if Megdal’s telling the truth — and he’s proven to be more reliable than anyone in the Amazins’ P.R. department — what shred of credibility does the ballclub’s ownership have left? From the New York Post’s Josh Kosman :

“Fred Wilpon asked Bud Selig to strike the provision requiring him to enable and assist David Einhorn in his pursuit of majority ownership, if Wilpon couldn’t repay him,” author Howard Megdal writes in “Wilpon’s Folly.”

“The idea would be that Selig would play the bad cop. When Major League Baseball put the kibosh on Einhorn, Wilpon would have plausible deniability, and could throw up his hands and say, ‘What can I do? This is how MLB works.’”

Einhorn heard about the dealings and, on Sept. 1, had a heated discussion with Wilpon that resulted in Einhorn walking away from the deal, according to the book.

MLB lawyer Rob Manfred said, “I don’t believe the account in the book is accurate. I think the reason the deal did not come to fruition is the two parties did not have a meeting of the minds on a key provision in the deal.”