P John Thomson signed with the Blue Jays yesterday and gave the AP a pretty interesting explanation why he spurned the New York Mets in favor of Toronto.

“As far as just looking at Paul Lo Duca (above) across the field, I’m not really into how he acts behind the plate,” Thomson said on a conference call. “I know a bit about [Toronto catcher] Gregg Zaun and I know he wants to win and he’s not going to let anything get in his way to do that, and I like that.

“And then with Vernon Wells in center field, I’m not really concerned about the outfield with him out there. … Just watching the Mets’ outfield, if Cliff Floyd is still there it’s not a real good fit for him out there. He can hit the ball, but as far as defense, he’s a little shaky.

Kudos to J.P. Ricciardi on a tremendous off-season. Faced with recruiting almost no one of note, he acquired Thomson by convincing the former Rockies hurler that Cliff Floyd was still a member of the Mets.