In seven starts for Philadelphia, Pedro Martinez has compiled a record of 5-0, striking out 34 in 37 innings with an ERA of 2.87. This is the same Martinez who was deemed surplus to Mets requirements last spring, unworthy of consideration compared to the likes of Tim Redding and Freddy Garcia. After watching Pedro beat the Mets for the second time of late, hurling 8 scoreless innings in the Phillies’ 1-0 win last night, Metsradamus writes the Not-So-Amazins’ elimination had to come at the hands of “…Pedro, Met hat still on his head as you refreshed the Yahoo boxscore to show you that a guy wearing a Met hat was pitching to another guy in another Met hat.”
While I will not sit here and tell you that this game was proof that the Mets should have signed Petey this season, it is the perfect cherry to top this torturous sundae of a season … listening to Philadelphia Phillie fans chant “Let’s Go Pedro”. My hope is that the owners of this team, who are probably off toasting their new ballpark at a swanky lounge at this hour just as they foolishly bragged about their new ballpark mere hours after the Mets were eliminated in 2008, are locked in a room and made to watch this broadcast over and over again until their eyes bleed.
And the sound has to be up. They have to listen to those Phillie fans. They have to listen to Joe Morgan morph into Nipsey Russell with his stupid poetry. And they have to hear Steve Phillips wonder if Pedro was going to come out for the ninth inning after a pinch hitter was already announced. Eyes open, ears open … for the entire three hours. Multiple times a day, until their sufficiently tortured, or at least as tortured as I am at this hour.
The only hope now for the Mets to get themselves a World Series trophy is to have Kanye West storm the October podium and steal it.