…but at least he never drowned to death in his own puke (sorry). Washington demoted their 2011 opening day starter to Syracuse the other day, essentially saying that despite a $5 million guaranteed salary, John Lannon isn’t qualified to be the Nationals’ fifth man in the rotation. In an open letter to the media, Lannon argues, “I am a proven major-league starting pitcher, with a track record of success.”

I am certainly disappointed in the Nationals’ decision. I met with Mike Rizzo for the second time since I received the news to tell him exactly how I feel, and my agent has also spoken to Mike. I know what my rights and the team’s rights are, and while I am still a member of the Washington Nationals organization, I let Mike know that I believe a trade would be the best solution for everyone in both the short and long term.

I appreciate all the opportunities the Nationals organization has given me throughout the years. I’ve done a lot for this organization through some tough times. I anticipated on being part of the team’s next exciting chapter. If the Nationals feel they don’t need me or want me with the current make-up of the team, I can respect their decision. However, I’m very confident that I am capable of making a meaningful contribution to a major-league team.

This transaction will not change who I am or how I approach my business. I will continue to prepare myself for the season and look forward to the opportunity to pitch for a major-league team in the near future. I appreciate the space that you have given me over the past 24 hours. This will be the last time that I make any public comments on yesterday’s transaction or my future with the Nationals’ organization. My focus from here on out will be on playing the game that I love and demonstrating the professionalism that I have exhibited throughout my career.