Earlier this year, the University Of Montana student paper covered the story of a pair of the school’s football players being accused of assaulting a fellow student. In the days and weeks since, writes the Missoulian’s Chelsi Moy, “the UM football team has proved it’s good at another game – the silent treatment.”

In recent weeks, head coach Bobby Hauck (above) has publicly belittled Kaimin reporters at weekly news conferences, and followed through with an earlier threat of shutting the students out of interviews. Now, the football athletes are no longer speaking to the student reporters either – a silence the Kaimin believes Hauck ordered.

At a recent weekly news conference, a Kaimin reporter asked Hauck whether he was going to continue rotating quarterbacks.”You want something from me now?” replied Hauck. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

A Missoulian sportswriter immediately followed up with the same question, to which Hauck provided an answer.

At the following week’s news conference, the Kaimin reporter again asked a question – this one on how the Grizzly defense would defend against the speed of an opposing running back.

Hauck’s reply: “I’ll give you this, you’re persistent. Who’s next?”

After a recent practice, a student reporter asked a question of a player, who replied that he “wasn’t allowed to talk to the Kaimin,” the school newspaper reported.

Hauck refused to be interviewed for this story when contacted by the Missoulian.

Hauck and his assistant coaches earn more than a combined half million dollars a year. It’s kind of amazing to think one of the state’s more high profile educators considers his program so above reproach, there’s no obligation to engage in a dialogue with the same students whose tutions are (partially) paying his salary.