Mets 7, Yankees 1

Though his effort in relief of the resurgent Kris Benson would’ve been notable enough on any other day, its a real toss-up as to which incident was more stunning, Dae-Sung Koo’s 410 foot double to straightaway center off Randy Johnson, or the pitcher’s mad Enos Slaughter-like dash from 2nd to home on Jose Reyes’ sacrifice bunt moments later.

Sure, the call was blown at home, but thie was high entertainment from a very unlikely source.

(imagine how fast he’d run without the jacket).

Hopefully someone taped the game for the Bergen Record’s Adrian Wojnarokski.

Losing Carlos Beltran is gonna hurt the Mets, no question, but here’s another excuse to bit Victor Diaz 9th and perhaps experiment with Mike Cameron or David Wright hitting 3rd. Willie Randolph’s team have shown remarkable resiliance thus far (bouncing back after Friday’s miserable showing against Kevin Brown is a good example), and for all of my negative comments about the Mets’ depth, the contributions of various call-ups / non-superstars (Woodward, Cairo, Diaz, Heilman, Seo, Koo) thus far have been huge.