After Harvard was throttled by Arizona earlier today, you might figure said result only heightens the disappointed for fans of #3 seed New Mexico, following the Lobos’ upset defeat to Tommy Ammaker’s squad on Thursday. It’s unlikely we’ll see a further column on the subject from Loboland’s Dennis Latta, who declares, “I’ve been around Lobo basketball for 33 seasons. For 32 of those seasons, I knew that UNM had a team that could fold and lose to anyone at any time. I never got my expectations too high because a collapse was possible anytime they walked out on that floor.” Hey, fool Latta 32 times, shame on you. Fool him a 33rd time, shame on him.
I thought that coach Steve Alford and athletic director Paul Krebbs were smart to announce a new 10-year contract the day before the Lobos started their march through the NCAA. No one would complain about the big dollars because UNM was on the road to glory.
I was wrong.
But I won’t be wrong again. It was a lot easier to take when expectations were lower. Losing was acceptable because UNM had almost always lost when it really counted. You didn’t have visions of greatness, only to have them dashed. After the pitiful performance UNM put up against a team that doesn’t even offer scholarships, I’ve given up. Having all five starters back next season means nothing on a team that can just disappear like that. I’d be back to wondering when it would collapse, have a terrible game and lose to an inferior team again.
No, I’ve had it. I’ve been to my last Lobo basketball game after covering the team for much of the last 33 years.